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Helping couples from around Australia to enjoy every moment of their wedding day.

I Do Crew

Wedding Styling


Over the wedding season I have observed countless guests standing at a wedding Seating Chart looking for their names in a sea of names, with fellow guests queing up behind them trying to also find their name on the chart.  As the entry to the room becomes blocked nerves get a little frazzled (especially if […]

These two met LARPing – that’s Live Action Role Play for those of us, not in the know! As the story goes, Nicola was trying to set up a LARPing group in Sydney and was contacted by this fellow Iain on Facebook. His profile picture was him dressed up as an Orc! How could Nicola […]

These two met as a result of their shared interests in literature and the Melbourne publishing scene. “We first met in 2012 at the tail-end of some publishing drinks at a now vanished bar in the city and wound up dancing the night away together (even though the bar didn’t really have a dancefloor). We […]